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2022 Annual Report

We've made great progress in 2022,
and remain positioned for success in 2023

For the best viewing experience, please read the 2022 Annual Report on a desktop computer or tablet 

Greetings, Friends!


In Galatians 6:9 the Apostle Paul reminds us not to grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Thank you for not losing heart! Instead, throughout 2022 you continued to support the CAC mission through your prayers and financial support – and for that we are so grateful.


Gratitude is what comes to mind when I think about the wonderful privilege and responsibility we have to help ensure all children have access to various opportunities that will equip them to thrive in life. During 2022 we focused on how to help our children recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic exacerbated the adverse childhood experiences (ACES) some of our children face on a day-to-day basis. ACES consists of children living in single parent homes, having learning disabilities, being exposed to mental, physical, or sexual abuse, or having exposure to alcohol or drug abuse, just to name of few. The CAC team sees these situations more often than not, which is why we are committed to the CAC vision of “embracing children with the love of Christ and equipping them to thrive”. 


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...We are committed to the CAC vision of “embracing children with the love of Christ and equipping them to thrive”.

The love of Christ is unconditional, which is what we strive to exhibit and extend - not just to the child, but to their family members as well. The family is always included in a holistic approach to childhood development and features activities such as our quarterly ladies’ day brunch and our Adult Diploma Recovery Program. These programs are tools we use to boost morale in the homes of our children.


Our ability to impact the community continues to grow. With your support, over 400 youth were adopted for Christmas and more than 350 kids were able to receive backpacks and school supplies to kick off the new academic year. Enabled by donations, we also provided food baskets and other types of care packages for families in need. 


Despite being able to support so many youth, state licensing requirements and the need for additional teachers continues to limit the number of students that can attend our program on a regular basis (see the next chart for further detail). One of our primary goals for 2023 is to hire additional staff so that we can reduce the number of children on our waiting list.  



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The hiring of our new Program Director, Ms. Nancy Davis, was a tremendous blessing for the CAC. She brings much needed experience in the area childhood education, and we are thrilled to have her on our team! 


We want our programming to be educational, engaging, and fun – this encompasses academic proficiency, social and emotional support, spiritual enrichment, and physical health.  As with other out-of-school programs throughout the nation, our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a slow and steady process. However, the chart below depicts a positive trend with our children as it relates to math and reading proficiency. 

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Foreign Language

Thanks to our partnership with Go! International and Seth Hamilton, our children continue to thrive in foreign languages, STEM, and financial literacy. Volunteers taught Mandarin, French, Portuguese, and Spanish throughout the year.  It is our prayer that the children will be able to use these languages both locally and abroad as missionaries.   



Our students wrapped up the growing season with their Urban Farm. We’re thrilled to report they have planted more than 1,400 plants, including 10 new fruit trees, pumpkins, 10 types of spices, sunflowers, marigolds, five types of peppers, two types of tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, collards, kale, and lettuce. They are also growing grapes, blackberries, raspberries, apples, almonds, pecans, apricots, cherries, peaches, and plums. The students produced over 1,800 pounds of produce in 2022 - which they went on to sell at four markets in St. Louis and East St. Louis. They also produced their own brands of salsa and spicy Kool Aid pickles. Even more exciting: our students were asked by District 189 to help build a garden for East Side High School! 


Four students participated in the SOAR into STEM program last fall with Wings of Hope. Two students flew airplanes and one will begin a follow up apprenticeship as an airplane mechanic this year. During this program they learned how to fly drones, learned about aviation mechanics and maintenance, better understood humanitarian aviation opportunities (including international aviation ministries), and met with a representative from NASA!

Financial Literacy
& Spiritual Development

All of our students have continued learning new aspects of finance and entrepreneurship. Students in 4th-12th grade learned about investments in stocks, bonds, and real estate.

Scott Credit Union finally returned in August for the first time since 2020. As a result of their partnership, eight students started savings accounts, which brings us to a total of 60 students who have opened and managed a savings account! We know that these are lessons our students will continue to draw upon for the rest of their life!


​We resumed daily devotions with our students in 2022. One of the primary devotions was the parable of the talents and how God entrusts us with a spiritual gift that we are to invest wisely to gain a spiritual profit. This is salvation, and we are to spread the Gospel to others that they might receive this gift as well. As an important Praise Report - four of Pathways students gave their life to Christ.  Please pray with us and for us as we disciple these young students.  


We want our programming to be educational, engaging, and fun – this encompasses academic proficiency, social and emotional support, spiritual enrichment, and physical health.  

Other Events

Fall Festival


As previously mentioned, taking care of our children means providing opportunity for their family to thrive as well.  The 2022 Adult Diploma Recovery Program has been very successful. Fifty adults received their diplomas last year, bringing the overall total since the program stated in 2019 to 164 students.   


Quarterly Ladies Day


We’re grateful for the opportunity to bless the mothers in our community! Several of our partner churches graciously traveled from afar to host our quarterly Ladies Day.  Games, laughter, food, and bible devotions are what it’s all about.   

...the future for CAC remains bright! Studies have shown that out-of-school (OST) programs such as CAC are vital for the growth and development of children nationwide. 

Operations & Partnerships

Our ability to carry out the CAC mission is accomplished with the help of volunteers both near and far.  Churches, volunteer groups, and many more help us to achieve the dream.  Donations such as a new washer/dryer combo, deep freezer, clothing, toiletries and extra hands for building and property enhancements came at the right time!

We are especially excited about our new partnership with Hoyleton Youth & Family Services. Mental health for our youth and families remains a top priority and this new partnership addresses that concern. 


In closing, the future for CAC remains bright! Studies have shown that out-of-school (OST) programs such as CAC are vital for the growth and development of children nationwide. OST programs provide social, emotional, and cognitive development, help reduce risky behaviors, and provide a safe and supportive environment for children. It is the financial support from individual donors, corporations, and grants that enable OSTs to succeed. Please continue supporting the CAC with your prayers and financial support. You are making a monumental difference in the lives of our children.


May God continue to bless you and your family in 2023! 

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Dr. Jeffrey Williams

Executive Director

Christian Activity Center

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